Human Design Offerings

You are the medicine

Saturn Reading

Human Design Bodygraph

Use your HD as preventative medicine

What’s your prevenative medicine formula?

Discover your preventative medicine formula via this empowering 10-minute audio reading. It uses your Human Design Saturn placements to ‘map’ what slows you down and contributes most to dis-ease and cyclic symptoms in your body/mind.

HD Health Check

Human Design Bodygraph

Most popular!

Understand your symptoms

Want deep insights into a health issue?

This unique 20-minute audio reading reveals the root-cause of your dis-ease or mystery symptoms. Using a human design for health perspective, it gives you deep insights into what your body may be trying to tell you via your condition.

Soul Blueprint

Human Design Bodygraph

1-on-1 Human Design Reading

Consult a Human Design for Health practitioner

This tailor-made 90-minue online reading gives you direct access to my healing Naturopathic and Human Design for Health wisdom.  Together, let’s review your human design bodygraph and help you align you with your soul energetics and personal medicine.

Understanding my Human Design Offerings

What I do

My name is Clare Zivanovic and I’m a passionate Human Design Analyst and Naturopath.

My job is to teach you how to leverage your Human Design to transform your challenges into opportunities for healing, growth and empowerment. This helps you bypass days, weeks, months of relentlessly researching wellbeing strategies that worked for others, but probably won’t align with your individual design.

I believe your body is wise and that symptoms are your soul’s way of communicating with you. Understand what your body is saying, and how to connect with your authenticity, and you can replace fear with confidence, trust and good health.

Qualifications: Human Design Analyst, Advanced Diploma of Health Science (Naturopathy), Diploma of Health Science (Nutrition), Diploma of Health Science (Medical Herbalism), Professional Diploma of Writing (Writing and Editing), Reiki First Degree Practitioner.

Who it’s for

Knowledge-seekers who know they’re more than just a physical body are my people.

Just like me, my clients are interested in natural medicine and spiritual practices, like chakras, crystals, astrology, and the mind-body connection. For us, these are empowering tools that help create a stable, secure and meaningful life experience.

My beautiful clients aren’t looking for another pill or diet to follow. Instead, they’re ready to feel good and embrace more of who they truly are by diving deep into their human design soul blueprint. Why? Because they know this is an empowering, healthy and healing way to be.

Let’s work together

If you resonate with my vibe, I’d LOVE to support you using my specialised healing skills, wisdom and talents.

Got questions about how I can help you?

You’re always welcome to contact me via email:

Sending you love, light & wellbeing,

Clare Zivanovic

Human Design offerings
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