About Clare Zivanovic

Human Design Analyst and Naturopath




Human Design Analyst and Naturopath, Clare ZIvanovic

Clare Zivanovic

Human Design Analyst, Naturopath, Author

I’m a qualified Naturopath and Human Design Analyst who’s been part of the health industry since 1999.

My specialty is helping you (re)connect with your authenticity and personal style of medicine. This helps you transform your challenges into opportunities for healing, growth and empowerment, by design.

All of my offerings combine varying degrees of my human design and natural medicine, sprinkled with intuitive messages that want to be delivered through me, to you. The result is a prescription that whispers healing messages from your higher self, directly to your body’s cells.

More About Clare

Clare Zivanovic, Human Design Analyst and Naturopath

My Human Design

This lifetime, I’m experiencing the world as a 4/6 Emotional Generator with a Right Angle Cross of Eden. Astrologically, I have a Virgo Sun, Libra Rising and Capricorn Moon. I also have a Virgo stellium in my 12th house!

Author of Superfood Attitude

Children's Book

In January 2020, I published a fun & colourful children’s picture book called Superfood Attitude. It’s a fantastic way to teach 3-7 year olds about the superpowers living inside everyday foods. It’s available in Australia and internationally.

Human Design healing with Clare Zivanovic

Healing Journey

I’ve recovered from a bunch of health challenges this lifetime (‘mystery’ illnesses and slow healing injuries). My complex personal journey, plus my medical studies, have shown me that being authentic is vital for wellbeing.

Clare Zivanovic, Human Design Analyst and Naturopath

Creative Life

Creativity is core to who I am. I weave it into my healing work, as well as my hobbies. I’ve even spent time in the film industry as a Producer and Video Editor.

Clare Zivanovic, Naturopath and Healer


Meet Sava. He’s a British Bulldog who loves to play with balls and chase lizards. He may be the most slobbery dog in the world, but I can’t imagine my life without him.

Author of Superfood Attitude

Gluten Free Foodie

I’ve been gluten free since I was 19. Back then, there was only one bread option available at the supermarket… and it tasted like a cross between bricks and cake.

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